//Episode 1: Fresh Blood

Episode 1: Fresh Blood

New season, new team!

Season One was quite the experimental journey for Tim, Demian, Rozzie, and Jay. Only Jay decided to stay with his original character, Narkus, while the others pursued new fun characters to create.

Due to the nature of this upcoming mission, I explain in great detail the objectives as well the conditional nuances and restrictions so the team clearly understands what success looks like. Enjoy the challenges laid out and be prepared to see how the team faces them.

You can download the episode here.

We have new music and a longer time duration format for this season. Unfortunately, we are taking a pause on episode artwork as we’re prioritizing a consistent podcast release schedule and no longer want to be delayed by our illustrative efforts. We plan to publish a new episode on the 17th of every month, starting today. Let us know what you think about these changes in the comments section or on Twitter and Facebook.

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